Course Description
The notions of limits constitute the first chapter of a Calculus course. This course consists in a simple study of the notion of limits. It is divided in 6 lessons. These lessons are:
1. Functions and their graphs
2. Introduction to the notion of limit: an attempt to define limit.
3. One-sided limits
4. Properties of limits.
5. Limits at infinity
6. Continuity
The student will have to watch a video and complete the assignments for each of the lessons. Answers will be provided for exercises to be solved. It is recommended that the students read the materials related to each lesson, learn the definitions, rules and other types of theories and apply these to solve problems. Each example should be done by the student even though it is solved on the material as a model. The student should first look at the examples, masters the process of solving the particular exercise and does it by himself without looking at the model or example. For each lesson, the student has to complete the non-solved exercises. Once the student finishes the solution of these exercises he/she can compare his/her own answers to the answers/provided. Students can send any questions related to the course by reaching the instructor through email.
The price of the course is $7.00. You can learn it independently or through private coaching.
1) Independent learning
You learn the entire course by yourself at your own pace. You make your own schedule and you decide on which part of the course you are going to learn each day. During this journey you are not alone as I'll be available to answer by email any questions you may have.
2) Private coaching done online
If after buying the course you decide to be tutored on the content this can be done at $30.00 per hour. My regular rate is $50.00 per hour. We can have weekly sessions of 2 hours. If you decide to do so you can contact the instructor Yves Simon by email.
Online tutoring
Online tutoring based on another Calculus course your are taking is $50.00 per hour. You can also visit New Direction Education Services for tutoring on other math subjects. Tutoring is also available in other subjects such as languages.

Educator and Tutor face-to-face and online
Yves Simon
Course curriculum
Course Information
Instructions for taking this course
Course Content
Lesson 1 Functions and their graphs
Video lectures introduction
Functions and their graphs written lesson
Lesson 2 Introduction to the notion of limits
Video lecture introduction
Methods for determining limits video lectures
Introduction to the notion of limits: written lesson
Lesson 3 One-sided limits
One-sided limits introduction video lectures
One-sided limits written lesson
Lesson 4 Properties of limits
Properties of limits video lecture
Properties of limits written lesson
Lesson 5 Limits at infinity
Limit at infinity introduction video lecture
Limits at infinity and infinite limits written lesson
Lesson 6 Continuity
Continuity Video Lecture Introduction
Continuity written lesson